Check out this blog that a friend of ours wrote after attending one of our Wild Mushroom Retreats a few years ago.
We would love to be able to offer Spring (Morels!), Summer, & Autumn Wild Mushroom Retreats, but many such events we've scheduled have been cancelled due to uncooperative timing of the rains! So here's what we're doing now: We're not actually scheduling any dates or accepting any registrations, but we're hoping that we'll have enough rain to allow us to announce dates for such forays a week or two beforehand. Which means you'll want to make sure you're on our emailing list so that you'll be notified as soon as we know! Be sure we have both your email and phone number and we'll let you know as soon as we do when these might happen.
For general reference, IF they happen, it would be:
Spring (focused on Morels, primarily) - Mid to Late April
Summer (focused on Chanterelles, but also including Boletes, Milkys & Chicken-of-the-Woods, among others) - July
Autumn (Chicken-of-the-Woods, Puffballs, Coral Fungi, etc) - Late September/Early October
Should the rains/mushrooms cooperate, programs will include an afternoon of hiking around on our property, hunting & identifying as many edible wild mushrooms as possible (ID and discussion of other wild edibles as well); a full vegetarian meal (prepared in our kitchen, and featuring plenty of wild mushrooms!); wildflower viewing, farm tour, discussion of mushroom cultivation & marketing and mushroom preservation. . . and literature, recipes & fresh mushrooms to take home with you!
white morels (the largest we have around here) gathered from
the white
pine grove in our front yard
Our friend Anna Lou, holding a
record-setting 22 pound head of maitake
that Tim spotted along the road
not far from our place.
![]() Chicken-of-the-Woods |
![]() 5 kinds of Chanterelles |
![]() Cauliflower Mushroom |
![]() Lion's Mane |