Wild Medicinals Retreat w/Andrew Ozinskas
Saturday, May 23rd  

This Retreat will be an in depth introduction to Appalachian Herbalism. The bio-region around Berea, Kentucky is one of the most botanically biodiverse places in the temperate world. We can encounter upwards of 150 tree species & thousands of different flowering plants in one cove forest. While only having time to discuss a small fraction of those species in one day, we will do so in a way that thoroughly covers the range of information from native folk uses, to the most modern scientific data. From field I.D., ethical wild-harvesting & cultivation, to home clinical usage & medicine making, you can expect to end the day with a complete picture on how to safely use a number of wild medicinal herbs. We will primarily spend the course time walking around the beautiful forests & fields, stopping to meet & discuss as many herbs as time allows, so come prepared for fun & hiking in the mountainous terrain!

Andrew is a clinical herbalist, professional wildcrafter, and teacher/student of the natural mysteries. He is based on his 9th generation family homestead in Owen County, KY and also in the wild highlands of eastern West Virginia. Andrew has made a living from herbal medicine work since 2002. His teaching experience includes workshops at Universities of Naturopathic Medicine, Primitive Skills Gatherings, Herb Shops & Wildlife Centers around the U.S., as well as apprenticeships & hundreds of classes hosted in the field & at homes. While primarily self-taught through clincal & field experience, he is a graduate of, & Adjunct Faculty at Bastyr University, for whom he teaches & has hosted the 12 day Appalachian Herbal Intensive.

For details/registration info, please email us at pjanepost@aol.com.

Examples of Medicinals in the Kentucky Valley
Iris cristata, dwarf crested iris, biliary/lymphagogue
Cypripedium acaule, pink lady's slipper, nervine sedative
Dicentra cucullaria, dutchman's breeches, analgesic/cns depressant/tonic
Silene virginica, fire pink, vulnerary/antimicrobial
Monotropa uniflora, ghost pipe, analgesic/inflammation modulator
Yucca filamentosa, adam's needle, edible/vulnerary poultice/biliary/soap