Mark Mazziotti

Mark Mazziotti discovered natural building in 2003 at a gathering in New Mexico. Ever since then he's had his hands (and feet) in the mix of techniques that make up this labor of love.

Mark has studied and worked with some of the leading people in the field. He learned straw bale building from Steve Kemble, one of the founders of the movement; apprenticed with Michael Smith, co-author of The Hand-Sculpted House; taught earthbag building in South Africa with Joseph Kennedy, cofounder of Builders Without Borders; and taught natural building with Janell Kapoor, founder of Kleiwerks International and Ashvillage.

Mark holds a degree in fine arts from University of Pittsburgh and a masters in Communication Design from Pratt Institute. Before turning towards natural building he worked for many years as an art director at Public Media Center in San Francisco.

Mark designed and built his own straw bale house — complete with earthen floor and rocket stove — at Red Earth Farms in Missouri where he lives with his partner and their daughter.


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